Maple provides a large collection of built-in, point-and-click learning tools for most key topics in calculus, algebra, and more.
Math Apps
Use interactive features and visualization to explore mathematical concepts.
Maple Portal for Students
The Maple Portal for Students acts as a starting point for hundreds of common tasks from mathematics courses, and anticipates the question "How do I ..." in Maple.
Task Templates
Task templates provide convenient, fill-in-the-blank problem solving for hundreds of tasks.
Smart Popups and Drag-to-Solve™
Smart Popups and Drag-to-Solve™ are part of Maple's collection of Clickable Math tools, which also include palettes, interactive assistants, context-sensitive menus, tutors, and more. These tools make it easy to learn, teach, and do mathematics with Maple.
Context-Sensitive Menus
In Maple, context-sensitive menus allow you to perform mathematical operations by simply clicking the object and selecting the desired operation from the menu of choices provided.
Statistics Education
Maple provides a rich environment for statistics education, helping teachers present and students understand a wide variety of topics from probability and statistics.
Student Packages
Student packages offer focused learning environments in which students can explore and reinforce fundamental concepts in the same way their instructor does in class.
Easy access to the MapleCloud gives you a revolutionary way to share work with colleagues and students.
Maple Calculator App
A free all-in-one calculator that lets you solve problems, check homework, and explore graphs on your phone